My friend, Jen, dropped into my office and I don't know how the subject came up, but she mentioned the "MASH" game, which I had never heard of. "You never played it as a kid?" she asked incredulously.
Well, if we did, I certainly didn't remember it. Perhaps my sister would.
Jen insisted that I play it and frantically scratched on a pad what you see below, and then asked me a bunch of questions to fill it in:
So, what this means is that I'm going to live in a mansion (the "M" in MASH), with my husband Adam and our dog. After graduating from Harvard, I'll be making $100,000, and driving around in my Mini Cooper, while being a dancer on Broadway. I will vacation in Australia some time before I die on October 13, 2023 at 66 years old.
Of course, this day and age, there is an online version of MASH for you to play yourself! Dream away!