DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

A compelling PostSecret, hot coffee and a hot daddy, a workout, and some scareyoke...

~Sunday~  I slept in this morning, and started my day off with a look at this week's PostScrets. I found this one to be the most compelling of this week's collection:

When I was 5 years old my mom made me report my dad for molestation even though he never touched me. 3 years later he was denied custody and I was adopted by a man who did molest me.

I spent a good portion of the afternoon at Cup a Joe Mission Valley, where I spent a good portion of the time there devising Friday's blog entry.

At one point where there, the hottest daddy ever came in with his three sons. Well, at least one of them was his son, because they both had on one of those football jerseys with a number under their last name in the middle of their backs. Of course the last names were the same, but were so were the numbers.

I left there at about 5:00, and after changing at home, made a "prodigal son" visit to Planet Fitness; however, the only fatted calf I saw there was in the mirror.

I only did 225 ab crunches instead of my usual 300, since it's been a couple of weeks since I've done them and that's about as much pain as I wanted to risk being in tomorrow.

I followed that up with 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, which I reduced from the 40 minutes I put in when starting.

We canceled book club tonight, and I was glad for some "found time."

I met Joe at Flex at 9:30 for some scareyoke, and for the most part, the usual suspects were there, most of whom worry the pure shit out of us.

I left there at about 11:30.
Tags: affirmations (implicit), bar talk, cardio, coffee shops, exercise, gym

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