I read more of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, successfully reaching the day's reading goal. Good stuff.
I stopped in at Flex, late, at around 11:15 PM. I had one drink, and then went over to Legends for the midnight drag show.
There was a long line to get in, and I used my VIP card to sashay, sashay, sashay my way past everyone and to the door man, who let me right in. You won't catch this diva lip syncing for her life. The rest of you? Sashay away.
In the spotlight theater, there were two tall, handsome, and masculine-looking guys, one of whom was shoulder-to-shoulder with me to my left—well, technically, my shoulder was to the middle of his upper arm, as he was that tall, but I digress...
He started texting with his phone facing away from the guy he was with, which of course meant the display was facing me, which of course means girl read what he texted: "I'm in NC getting drunk with a beautiful man." Awwww.
I did just about everything in my power not to eat something when I got home, because I definitely wanted to.
And, as a final note, this may be my shortest blog entry in years.
You're welcome.