"Take off everything but your underwear," Carrie said leaving the room after confirming what I was there for. I left my socks on until Tracey came in, because although it wasn't cold, per se, in there, it wasn't toasty either.
After confirming that the skin tag she removed from my upper right eyelid looked "fantastic," Tracey agreed that the progress on that spot on my lower left eyelid was not where either of us wanted it to be after applying a steroid to it for two weeks. You know, the one she mentioned "the big-C" about last time?
"I'm going to have the doctor come in and take a look at that one before you go," she said. You might remember that she's a P.A., not a doctor.
"What's that on your nose?" she asked me starting the body scan.
Saying that I was hoping it wasn't the start of Jimmy Durante nose, she looked at it through a very magnified lens, and said, "Nope. That's a little cyst." Which I guess is better than it being "drinker's nose".
"What about this little red patch on your belly? Has that always been there?" she asked.
"I don't know," I said looking at it, "I've never even noticed it before."
"We're going to take a little biopsy of that before you go."
Before leaving, she "froze" a skin tag that I had on the rear of my right leg, in the crease of my knee. As I learned the last time, that's where those things tend to grow—where two body parts rub together.
The doc said that he wasn't concerned about that spot on my eye, that it just seems to be taking longer than expected to heal. "It looks like it's healing fine, albeit a little slowly."
When he left, I thanked Tracey for bringing in a "hot doctor," to which she replied a lot of inappropriate things, which made me laugh.
It's just so much fun getting older and having all these things grow all over your body. Not!
The snow had pretty much stopped when I left the office at about 8:40. At home, I made some coffee to take to work in my thermos, and ate a bagel before leaving the house.
I parked at Gorman and Avent Ferry, and although the TVS said the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus was still on Greek Way at the Food Lion, as soon as I got out of my car, a Wolfline bus pulled up. It was the #9A (I think that's the number) "GW Day Tripper," which every once in a while runs in between the #9. I got outta my car, and into my bus.
The seats on this bus all faced forward, which is very unlike all the other Wolfline bus, which just have seats along each side of the bus, facing into the aisle, until you go up into the back section, which is about one-fourth of the bus's area, where they're two seats side by side.
It smelled a little funny in there, sort of a new car smell, but not really, since it was a bus. I liked the driver, because although it was cold out enough to have snowed an hour earlier, she had her driver's window cracked open. It could have had to do with the smell, though, too.
I started my work day annoyed, as I went to talk to our intern about some work she'd done, and my boss had already talked to her about it, even though I told her I was going to do it when I got in the office on Thursday.
I didn't mind that my boss had talked to her, I just wish she'd've told me that she'd done it, so I didn't bring it up again for no reason. It's not that big of a deal, really, but with the state of mind I'm in with regards to that place right now, and after wasting my time for two days in that dreadful class, it doesn't take much.
I had an hour-long working meeting with my boss from 10:00-11:00, which started of a little messy, but turned so productive that we actually ended up finishing 20 minutes early. It wasn't "messy" by anyone's "fault"; it was just the nature of the work.
I had an incredibly enjoyable—and most delicious—lunch with a work colleague, Libby, and my old boss, Jude, at Coquette Brassiere in North Hills. While Libby and I waited for Jude to arrive, we enjoyed a little bread, and then Libby ordered an appetizer, which came just as Jude was arriving. This is what I had, with the potato croquettes being the shared appetizer:
GRUYÈRE & POTATO CROQUETTE garlic aioli ONION SOUPE GRATINÉE crouton, gruyère QUICHE DU JOUR petit salade |
That French Onion Soup was out of this world, as was the quiche. The "du jour" part of the quiche today was sausage. It came looking like a huge piece of cheesecake, and the consistency of it was like cheesecake—creamy, creamy, creamy. The three of us also shared a killer dessert, but I can't find the desserts listed in any of their menus. Defuckinglicious.
Jude was most gracious and picked up the tab. Merci beaucoup, Jude! And it was great to see you! And thanks for driving and the conversation to and fro, Libby!
Later in the afternoon, my colleague and friend, Jen, came to get me to get some fresh air, and we took a nice walk around a couple of blocks. She's been worried about my state of mind with regards to work lately, and wanted to catch up with me about it and other things, since I'd been out of the office for two days.
This evening, I toyed with both the ideas of going to the gym and going to Trailer Park Prize Night, but ended up doing neither.