Fortunately, I had no meetings today, so I just extended my workday right up until it was time to walk down and across the street to class at 6:00. In tonight's Social Media and Technical Information class, Jen did a great presentation on the use of social media by Southwest Airlines.
I didn't capture last Wednesday that it was my 8th anniversary of:
This is an interesting article that a fellow salon member, Anna, made me aware of today. It's about a study that showed that people who have more meaningful conversations, as opposed to ones consisting of mostly small talk, are happier: Talk Deeply, Be Happy?
Same said salon member alerted me to this fabulous work of performance poetry. It's Taylor Mali performing on Def Poetry Season 2 and it's a 3-minute and 3-second investment about the deterioration of language:
On the Raleigh-Durham to Atlanta flight last Saturday (03/13), I left my hardback library book in the back seat pocket, and I tried to report it to Delta's Lost & Found department the next day. I was on hold for 20 minutes (not happily chipping away at my limited cell phone minutes), when I had to hang-up because our group was heading off somewhere.
I got back to them today, when I could call on a land line and put the call on speaker phone to work while I once again waited longer than I should have had to. When I finally did get helped, I was told, "Oh, we only hold lost and found items for 48 hours."
"Really?" I asked incredulously. "And what do you do with things after 48 hours?"
"We dispose of them," she said.
"Dispose of them? You disposed of a library book? You wouldn't have marked which seat you found it in and try to contact the person that sat in that seat? Or you wouldn't look in the book to see the library's name and mail it back to them?" I stammered.
"I suppose it's possible. You could check with your library and see if it's been mailed back to them," was all that she could offer. Ridamndiculous.
I called the library and explained what happened. They suggested that I renew the book as many times as I can to give it time to possibly show up. I asked what the price would be if I had to pay to replace it, and she said she wouldn't know until she marked it lost in the computer. At that time, it shows what the patron owes. Systems.
I received this e-mail of affirmation from Mallory, one of the students on our alternative service break trip this past week:
Hey John! I just read through all of my little messages from last week and I really appreciate all of your sweet words. It really was such a great experience and I really enjoyed getting to know you throughout the week! Your positive attitude and sense of humor definitely made the trip even more enjoyable. =) My parents really loved reading the blog and they wanted to make sure that you knew how much they appreciated being able to keep up with all of the work that we were doing over the week! My mom said that she spent over an hour re-reading everything again yesterday because she liked it so much. =) I hope that you had fun going out last night and that your presentation goes well on Wednesday! I'll look forward to our ASB reunion!! |
Making a quick to-do list of things that need to be done this week:
- Homework: Devise my presentation for Wednesday night's class.
- Homework: Catch up my blog entries and tweets for my class blog and class twitter account.
- Get back to Will Elliot regarding his instructional design and technical writing inquiry.
- Get the ASB Gulf Coast Flickr page up and running.
- File mine and Robert's taxes.
- Get my car inspected, and then renew my registration.
- Give feedback to Garrison on his short story.
- Edit PJ's and Kirk's vows.