I devised and posted yesterday's blog entry on death and dying, and I received lots of comments about it on Facebook. One of them was from my friend, Brenda, who let me know that my friend Mel died of colon cancer that spread to his liver.
I met Joe for dinner at CiCi's pizza, where I overate. Oh well. At least I skipped lunch today in anticipation of this very thing.
Leaving CiCi's and on my way to the Caribou Coffee at Brier Creek for our monthly Mostly Social Book Club meeting, my stomach started some violent churning that let me know it would be a better idea to be at home close to my bathroom in the next hour or so. 'Nuff said.
I called Mary to let her know I wouldn't make it, and she took my call in the ladies dressing room of TJ Maxx. Later, she sent me this update of what I missed, which I totally loved and appreciated:
John, since you missed book club, I wanted to give you a synopsis of what went on: [With regards to our current book, Anna Karenina, 817 pages]: Suzanne is up to page 639 and Sharon is up to page 85. Apparently, there were problems [for Sharon] reading at the beach due to all the sunlight. Janet's comment about the book, "It's long." She has not re-read it yet and plans to read it in Africa. She wants to know if the Kindle is backlit. Since you were not there, we spent a considerable amount of time discussing female issues. In fact, we are considering The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup, M.D. as our next book selection. Member updates:
Janet would like us to come to her house for book club on 10/25 so that she can show pictures from her trip to Africa. The rest of the conversation was pretty much about hormones—the lack of them, which ones to get, and just how fun it is to be a woman as we get older. Hope you are feeling better. We missed you! |
At home, I did about five hours worth of work, from 8:00 until 1:00 in the morning, finishing up the redesign of a website that I'm going to show to its owner in an 11:00 meeting in the morning.
In the spirit of the circle of life, Robert's and my friends, Yelena and Josh, had their little baby girl. Welcome, Riley.
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
It's the Circle of Life