DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Xfer of responsibility, never been there, funeral parlor shenanigans, MBD BOD meeting...

~Tuesday~ Today brought about a transfer of responsibility on the bus. Specifically, the accounting for my free ride each day has been transferred from the bus driver to me.

It used to be that I just flashed my NCSU Campus Card at the bus driver and s/he pushed some button on the computer attached to the fare machine to account for my ride. Now I have a "GO PASS" card, issued free of charge by NCSU, that I just stick in the slot for a quick read.

Once again this morning I saw that ad for the Digital Media Lab on the kiosk in the lobby of my building, and this time I laughed out loud thinking about my previous posting on the matter, where I enumerated the two things that remind me that it's not me in the ad: one being the age of the person and the other being the weight of the person.

What made me laugh out loud this morning was realizing what should be the most obvious reason of all to me that it's not me in the ad: I've never even been in the Digital Media Lab!

A couple of years ago, I came across an audio recording of a phone prank played on someone at a funeral home. Some time in the last couple of weeks, Robert had mentioned it and said, "We should find that again." Lo and behold, today, someone on Facebook included a YouTube link to it. This thing is just so funny to me.

I had only one meeting today—our hour-long weekly staff meeting at which our manager goes over everything that was covered in Monday's weekly Director's Meeting. In other words, the shit flows downhill, and this meeting is the slide. When the information comes via email, it's the electric slide. Badumpbump. I'm here every day, folks.

In keeping with our "culture of food," Rhonda brought bananas to the meeting, Jude brought peaches, and I brought Robert's famous homemade caramels.

On the bus ride home, I went to stick my new card in the slot with the edge marked "Insert" face down into the slot reader, like I did this morning when it worked perfectly fine.

Before I could stick it in (No comment!), the bus driver said, "Swipe it sideways over here," indicating the other end of the fare machine where there's a slider reader instead of a slot reader.

I started to say, "Number one, it worked over in this reader this morning, and number two the edge here on the card says, 'Insert,' not 'Slide.'" Actually what I wanted to say was, "Missy, number one, it worked over in this..." But I digress...

Truth be told, I was wondering if it would work either way, so it was good to find out that it does.

I read some more of Two Little Girls in Blue and this book has officially taken a turn that has me considering abandoning it. It's just to the point of requiring a suspension of disbelief far beyond what I'm generally willing to accommodate. I'm going to continue a little while longer. What a trooper.

Fearing there would be a lot of rush hour traffic, I left home at just before 5:00 for our Manbites Dog board meeting, which started at 6:00. I was in Durham by 5:20, so I stopped at the downtown library, and used their free wi-fi for about 30 minutes before heading over to the theater.

Everyone was present, except Katja who is in a production at Deep Dish. And technically, Katja is not a member of the board, but usually comes, graciously, to take minutes and keep us on track.

We had a very productive board meeting. I felt as though the group was a little "re-energized" afterwards.

At home, I spent about two hours cleaning up the minutes of the meeting, including culling out the "Resolutions/Decisions/Agreements/Suggestions" as well as the action items.

I had a brief phone conversation close to midnight with Gregor about some follow-up items from the meeting and to request electronic copies of handouts that he distributed at the meeting.
Tags: affirmations, books, bus, manbites, video, work

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