DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

The mostly social book club...

Tonight was book club night out at Mary's new (and Janet's old) place. Mary has done great things with the place. She's only been in about a month, and has more things hung and put out and away than I have after being in my place since March.

I brought my clarinet to give to Suzanne for Jessie to borrow. I had it out; it still plays. We had pizza, chatted, and actually settled on a BOOK to read. Imagine that. The Mostly Social Book Club reads again. This shouldn't be news, but it is. I think the name of the book we decided on is THE NANNY DIARIES by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. It's Mary's book, and I think we decided that we'd read it by November 15th. Or was it December 15th?

I left there at about 9:15. I called Robert on the way to tell him that the traffic on I-40 was bumper-to-bumper -- at 9:30 at night! Ridiculous! He arrived at my place at about 10:30.

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