DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Frustrating and tedious work, a disappointing lunch, an abonded night out, and an abandoned book...

This morning, I worked on some items for our next OIT News publication, and got frustrated with myself for having waited too close to the deadline to work on it. A lesson learned for next month.

To avoid this from happening with the minutes of the UITC meeting, which have to be out two weeks before the next meeting, and which last month's were sent out two days less than two weeks prior to the meeting, I started on the ones from this past Wednesday's meeting today.

I had a disappointing lunch at East Village today. My sandwich was good,

Captial Key
Oven-roasted turkey breast combined with melted Swiss, southern-style slaw, and thousand island dressing served on grilled rye.

but it was a little skimpy (more slaw than turkey breast), and I didn't realize that the place allows smoking both in the bar area and in the dining area. How last century. Such a disgusting habit. I don't see myself returning there any time soon, if ever, for lunch.

In fact, I really need to get in the habit of packing my lunch. I'm spending too much money for lunches, and in general, I'm not making good choices. And then there's the portion control issue that comes along with eating out.

Before leaving work tonight, I attended a 5:00 education session on Elluminate, which is a web-conferencing product that is going to be used during a virtual Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference next week, of which I'm attending a couple of sessions.

I was the only student in the class, which I guess is no surprise for a 5:00 class on a Friday. Oh well. I got one-on-one attention at least.

For the second day in a row, now, I've eaten my gin-soaked raisin regimen. Once again, I had something to eat right after them to minimize the taste left in my mouth from them.

I was going to go out tonight, but at about 9:00, decided to bag the idea. I can't at all get excited about "Alternative Night" every Friday at Flex, and I didn't see any obvious gathering of the Twitter peeps anywhere, so I just stayed in.

I'm saving a ton of money going to Flex pretty much only on dance nights now. I think in the last two or three weeks, I've only been one night that wasn't on a dance night. Saving my lungs from some second-hand smoke, too.

I read a little more of Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat, and I've pretty much decided to abandon it for a few reasons:

  1. The opening chapter is much too self-serving—on and on about how excited and proud of himself he was to come up with the phrase "the world is flat."

  2. In spite of being a 2005 book, it seems dated.

  3. It reads too much like a textbook in tone; that is, to borrow a notion from its title, "the writing is flat."

  4. It's 473 pages of flatulence.
Okay, that was a little harsh. I just felt like playing with the language a little. Bottom line: I'm not willing to make the investment in time to read this book. I'll look for some Cliff-like Notes about it online.
Tags: books, twitter, work

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