I put on a pot of coffee and made a cheddar, turkey sausage, and ham omelet for us, accompanied by a side order of toast. Pretty good stuff, if I may say so myself.
I read a little bit of Stiff this afternoon and drifted off for a little nap, during which I had some wild dreams.
I went for a one-hour walk from 5:40-6:40 this evening, starting at dusk and ending in the dark. The weather today was so beautiful and this evening's was no different.
The moon was almost full tonight—a mere toenail away. I believe tomorrow's moon is supposed to be full. Well, technically, it's the same moon as today, we'll just see more of it tomorrow.
After my walk, I did a grocery store run and drove the path that I'd walked earlier, as I went right by my grocery store. 3.2 miles. Yay.
I configured Digsby tonight, and am now managing all of my email accounts, instant message accounts, and social networking accounts from one dashboard. Sweet.
The Dalai Lama started a Twitter account 24 hours ago, and he already has almost 15,000 followers. You can follow him on @OHHDL (Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama).
Good grief, he has "followed" me back. He's in for eyeful. :-)
Hi, John (nematome). Dalai Lama (OHHDL) is now following your updates on Twitter. Check out Dalai Lama's profile here: http://twitter.com/OHHDL Best, |