I had to present for the first five minutes or so, which I hate to do and am always tense about, but it went alright.
I was going to eat leftover pizza for lunch today, but opted instead to take the bus up to Arby's and use a coupon. I walked a good way back toward my building and then caught a Wolfline bus the rest of the way.
Tonight was the Triangle Tweetup at Edge Office (@edgeoffice), and it was a ton of fun. The rate of growth of these face-to-face meetings of people using Twitter is incredible. The last one I went to had, maybe, 25-35 people. This one had over 100 people.
It was nice to catch up with several Tweeters, whom I hadn't seen in a while: @kitch, @abbyladybug, @ginnyskal, @DiMambro, @dtraleigh, @glowbird, @waynesutton, @justis, @dgtlpapercuts, @jennychinchin, @BryanR, @mattrmiller, @theRab, and @mgkimsal.
And it was nice to meet some others who I've been following or who some of the above either follow or are involved with: @hughlh, @mammalpants, @billkcummings, @wiggitywack, @metricula, @snoopdave, @joesumney, @PrachiG, and @singlesuzanne.
Though I've read @mammalpants twitter name a bunch of times in @ginnyskal's tweets, I've always seen it, and pronounced it in my head as @mammalplants.
It's always a surprise, delight, and a definite affirmation to find out someone has been reading my blog, who I didn't know was. When I met @hughlh and said to him, "I'm John, @nematome," he said, "Ah, Dailyafirmation," referring to my blog name. And then he said something to the effect of, "I read your blog. I loved your China entries and visited China vicariously through it."
I didn't really pay attention to any of the presentations at the Tweetup; sorry; I hung around the food and drink table and chatted with a couple of other people also not listening to the presentations.
Afterwards, a group of us went over to Tobacco Road Sports Cafe, which I'd never been to before, and we continued drinking, while a few folks got food as well. My end of the table included: @abbyladybug, @kitch, @dtraleigh, @PrachiG, @DiMambro, @joesumney, @wiggitywack, and @snoopdave.
We had great conversation, which definitely digressed at times. Some topics and sound bites included:
- Typhoon 2
- Task masters and project managers vs. drinkers and doers (in regards to Typhoon 3, yet to be announced)
- Bitter twitters (ex-es from twitter who now ignore you)
- Threesomes—MFM and FMF
- "I have a hairy ass" (Disclaimer: This was not said by yours truly.)
- twitter nom de plume personae
- How @snoopdave got his twitter name
- What nematome means (a sniglet between nematode (worm) and tome (book), suggesting bookworm)
- Master's degrees from NC State
- What people do for a living
- How to tell if something on a digital TV is in high definition or not
- Smartphone comparisons
- Hot female bartenders at Landmark
- Revealing Facebook pictures
- Camera lenses
Our end of the table was pretty much the last to break up, at a little after midnight.
I stopped by Flex for Trailer Park Prize Night, which wasn't overly crowded. Mary K Mart was hosting, and I stayed only for about 20 minutes after it started.