DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Funny secrets, a canceled meeting, grocery shopping, and exercising...

Two PostSecret entries that cracked me up today:

I went to the Talley Student Center at State for a 1:00-3:00 meeting in the Talley Board Room. I got there at 12:55 to an empty room, which stayed that way until 1:10, when I realized that even though there was a laptop powered on and displaying on a big screen, the meeting wasn't happening—at least not in there.

"Maybe it's down in the GLBT Center," I thought. When I finally found that area, the door was closed, locked, and the lights were out.

I checked with the Information Desk. As it turned out, they were the ones who had set up that laptop, as they hadn't been notified of any cancellation. I went back up to the room and used the laptop to check my Groupwise mail, where I found three copies of an e-mail from the organizer (sent yesterday, Saturday) that the meeting had been canceled.

I used the two found hours to do a grocery run and a gym run.

At the grocery store, the Lean Cuisines were all 50% off, so I got eleven of them. The Mongolian Beef seasoning packets were 50% off, so I got four of those. A majority of the stuff I bought today was on sale in some way or form. My total bill was $58.02. "Your VIP savings today were: $25.11," it said on my receipt. Sweet.

At the gym, I did about 20 minutes of lower back and lower abdomen stretching and strengthening exercises, followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. Once again, I varied the resistance from 15 > 20 > 25 > 30 > 25 > 20 > 15 at the five minute marks. The machine said that I burned off 510 calories.

I did two loads of laundry, and when I went to put the first load in the dryer, I was greeted with the last load (of sheets and towels) that I never put away. Lazy.

I hadn't checked my mail yesterday and today found in it, more bills from my surgery. I had earlier reported $4100 for the surgery and $900.00 for the MRI leading up to the surgery, which I thought was all of it. This new bill was from the anesthesiologist and it was for $777.00, of which I owed $111.80.

I did some work from home, either finishing what I should've finished Friday, or getting a little head start for tomorrow morning, whichever way you want to look at it.

I uninstalled antivirus software on my PC, installed the new Trend Micro antivirus software from State, and re-installed my Microsoft Office 2007 package, which was having a conflict with the Symantec antivirus software.

After all that, including finding two viruses and two spyware/adware infections, the conflict with Word still exists. Sometimes, albeit rarely, I hate computers.
Tags: exercise, health

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