DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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An STC holiday party and multi-group reunion, and stopping by TPPN until it started....

I was into work early this morning, and as a result, caught the 4:30 bus home. It was coming just as I walked out.

I attended the STC's end-of-semester and holiday gathering at Mitch's Tavern, which started at 7:30 and hosted a convergence of present NCSU STC student chapter members, an "ENG 675 ('08) reunion," an "ENG 515 ('07) reunion, and alumni of the MS in Technical Communication program.

I wore my Sigma Tau Chi t-shirt, and had Kim's Phi Kappa Phi honor cord on, which I was finally returning after borrowing it for graduation in December of '07.  Walking in, I asked, "Is wearing my STC honor society t-shirt, and having my Phi Kappa Phi honor cord wrapped around my neck with one end of the cord thrown over my shoulder like a scarf, over the top?"

Other than Sarah, Brad Mehlenbacher was the only other faculty member there, even though all of the ETC faculty had been invited. Susan Katz was excused as she had at least responded (and was out of town). Carolyn Miller also sent regrets. That rest of them? Nothing. Not even the courtesy of regrets. Pitiful.

I got around to chit-chattin' with all of the groups except for the ENG 515 group. We're just going to have to schedule another get-together, as Anna, Susan, and Andrew A. have all expressed interest in trying again, since they weren't able to make this one.

The gathering was supposed to end at 10:30, but lasted 'til about 11:30, at which time I dropped in on Trailer Park Prize Night, leaving right as it started at 12:30 as "Trixie," who turns my stomach, was the emcee tonight.
Tags: bar talk, eng515, grad school, stc, work

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