Workwise, today I had a flurry of activity regarding last minute updates to three handouts I'd devised for three different groups, all minor changes that I was happy to make to have "delighted customers."
I also scheduled some time with a benefits expert on Friday, since it's coming up on my first 30 days of employment, by which time most things have to be decided. I scheduled some time with that guy named Rob Stevenson, who was so excellent at New Employee Orientation.
At about 2:00, I headed over to the Talley Student Center, where our OIT Expo '08 will be happening all day tomorrow. I helped prepare bags that will be handed out at the registration booth, placing to sheets of paper in about 150 bags.
After that I helped one of my favorite people, Twanda, tape some plastic-type material over a table to act as a table cloth and drapery around the front and sides of the table.
From the bus stop in front of Carmichael, I caught the Wolfline 9 Greek Village bus home.
I took an hour nap before dancing.
Dancing was fun tonight. Bill and Carl were back, and they brought along Sharon (whose name might be Karen), whom we'd met at Carl's 50th birthday party at their house. It took her way too long to order a drink, and in between her gazillion questions to Kurt, I motioned for him to please pour mine.
She really wanted wine, which they don't have at Flex—not even that boxed wine that she drinks.
We were not stopped for Sordid Lives tonight, though it was shown. They finally worked out showing it on one side of the bar while letting us to continue dancing on the other side.
Old dogs are the best dogs: slide show. (Note: I had to open this URL in Internet Explorer. It wouldn't work in Firefox for me.)