August 18, 2008Update: Dolores Aguilar Obit Real |
I worked from home today—Kate's edit.
During lunchtime, I participated in a live video discussion with Ginny and Wayne from 30THREADS, along with about 20 other people. In the course of the discussion, Wayne mentioned that he liked volleyball, and I immediately sent an instant message that said, "We should have a volleyball Tweetup!" The idea has taken off.
Good week for... | Bad week for... |
The endless night, after the McMurdo research base in Antarctica stocked up for two months of darkness with a shipment of 16,500 condoms. "For the most part," said the base's manager, the 125 scientists who'll spend the winter there "know how to occupy their time." | Political protestors, after rumors spread that Denver authorities plan to control unruly demonstrators at this summer's Democratic National Convention by unleashing a new infrasound weapon that makes people poop in their pants. For security reasons, city officials will not confirm or deny they've acquired a "crap cannon," but say their crowd-control measures "will comply with federal and city requirements." |
—From The Week Magazine 06/20/08—
At 6:00PM, I knew it was time to brush my teeth for the first time today, because I could feel the little wool sweaters that had wrapped themselves around each tooth.
I worked out from 7:30-8:30 tonight. It was an all-cardio session. Today's stats:
Cardio (Treadmill) | 62 | 750 |
The treadmill I use has three ranges of heart rates labeled Heart Healthy, Endurance Training, and Athletic Conditioning. My target heart rate—for my age and average resting heart rate—is 132 for minimum training, 151 for maximum training, and 170 for overall maximum.
Tonight I stayed in the 144-146 range, so that put me right between the endurance training and athletic conditioning ranges and fairly close to my maximum training rate. Yay, me.
Kevin (
Before logging off for the evening, I made my final electronic payment—the "big" one—for my People to People Technical Communication Professional Delegation to the People's Republic of China. Got to get a move on getting that visa.