DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Farmers' Market breakfast, Ready? OK!, Mostly Social Book Club meeting, and karaoke...

We were up at a decent hour this morning to fit in breakfast before our noon movie out at the Carolina Theater in Durham.

We had one of our favorite breakfasts—the French Toast at the Farmers' Market Restaurant. Good stuff.

Our final NCGLFF film was at 12:10 and called, Ready? OK! We have been unable to resolve how one of the shorts we saw on Saturday has the same title (and theme) as this full-length film, yet seems to have no connection to it at all. Very odd.
Movie synopsis: From the producers of 29th and Gay and Feet of Clay comes this poignant comedy about a single mom struggling to understand her young son's obsession with dresses, dolls and girls' cheerleading.

Although Joshua is a smart, happy and enthusiastic ten-year-old, Andrea worries that he’s on the wrong track. With each summons to the Mother Superior’s office at Joshua’s private school, she searches for answers to a nagging problem: How can she convince him that aspiring to be on the cheerleading squad, relishing the art of the French braid and calling Maria von Trapp his most influential role model is just not what little boys do?

Some hard advice from her gay next-door neighbor Charlie (Michael Emerson, Ben from TV’s "Lost") helps Andrea turn her focus in the right direction: inward. Embracing Joshua’s individuality rather than fearing it might be the only answer, but can she do it?

With comically truthful performances and a healthy dash of wacky farce, Ready? OK! explores a family on the verge of either destruction or elevation.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, in spite of its "Hollywood ending." However, in all fairness, it couldn't have ended any differently as the main character was just one huge bundle of positivity anyway! Some very poignant points made and performances had.

I was going to spend the afternoon at my IBM office instead of driving all the way back to Raleigh, but ended up coming home instead. I had a five-hour gap until my book club meeting back in Durham at 7:00, and I could see a nap in that future.

The Mostly Social Book Club met at the Barnes & Noble at The Streets at Southpoint from 7:00-9:00. In attendance were only myself, Suzanne, and Sharon. We touched briefly on our current book, The Color Water: A Black Man's Tribute to White Mother, but only in a "status" kind of way—I'm halfway through, Sharon hasn't started, and Suzanne hasn't started her re-read of it.

I had intended to stop at my office again after book club, but a call from Joe changed all that. I figured: "I have to come back out to The Park tomorrow for an IBM class, so I can just stop by my office after that."

I met Joe at Flex for some free pool and karaoke. There were none other than three emcees tonight—sequentially. Tequila Rose started off, passed the wand (no baton was involved, she's a drag queen) to David, who eventually turned things over to Chas—which is when we left.
Tags: bar talk, books, movies, msbc

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