DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Worked from home and Helios, worked out, and ate out...

I see Amy is at it yet again: Amy Winehouse arrested on suspicion of drug possession.

Why can't these incredibly gifted people get their shit together? It can't help to surround yourself with the likes of this:

Amy Winehouse's jailed husband has been trading lascivious photos of the singer for tobacco, says a British website, ThePeople.co.uk.

Blake Fielder-Civil, 25, awaiting trial on charges of assault and obstruction of justice, apparently gave seven intimate photos of Winehouse to a fellow prisoner in return for a quantity of tobacco, which he later exchanged for heroin.

"Blake is always desperate for any drugs he can get his hands on," said a source. "Some of the photos are a bit racy, but he obviously puts his habit before his wife."

~From The Week Magazine, May 2, 2008~

On the way to Helios late in the afternoon to work from there for a while, I passed some people moving construction materials out of a car—through the rain—and into the building in which they were working. 

I'm thinking that drywall—mostly because of its name—is not a good thing to be transporting when it's wet outside. I'm just saying...

There were a bunch of Tweeps @ Helios today.

In addition to myself (@nematome), and Kevin (@av8rdude), @abbyladybug sat at the table next to us and introduced us to @jefftippett (whom Kevin already knew) and @benwills.

Later, @jessmartin arrived, who even later, introduced us to @DiMambro. I believe @glowbird was also "in the house," but I didn't officially meet her.

Kevin (av8rdude) and I worked out from 6:45 to 7:45 tonight. After my 5 sets of 15 reps of crunches regimen [Go, Yelena!], I did an hour of cardio.

I forgot my iPod in the car in my laptop bag, but I had headphones, and so I plugged them into the television sound receivers that are on each elliptical machine. I was quite surprised to find out that I was only really able to pick up one station, and Fox News was on the particular TV with which that sound synched. Blech!

Today's workout statistics:
Exercise Type
Minute Duration
Calories Burned

Cardio (Elliptical)



Okay, today I wasn't at all into the gym. It started at Helios thinking, "I really don't fee like doing this today." And all during my workout, all I did was think about where I was going to eat—out—when I was done.

I considered Subway, Quiznos, Amedeos, and had finally settled on a Jalapeño Thickburger from Hardees—when, what should come on the TV? A commercial for Red Lobster touting their Jumbo Shrimp in Lobster Butter dinner, which is one of their features, but only for a few more weeks. I'd gotten an e-mail about it earlier this week, too, as I'm a member of the "Red Lobster cluuub." Settled.

Ha! Just googling Hardess Thickburger for a link, I see this about it: Let me introduce you to Hardee's new concoction of beef on a bun. Weighing in at 58 grams of fat and 840 calories, this sandwich covers the nutritional intake for a blue whale.

So, the Jumbo Shrimp in Lobster Butter dinner comes with sides of rice pilaf and broccoli. When my waiter came I said to him, "What I really really want is this shrimp dinner, but I want a baked potato instead of the rice pilaf and a small salad instead of the broccoli."

"You got it," he said. Sweet!

I ate every last bite of all it, and while I was on a binge, I drove directly to Goodberry's and had myself a butterscotch concrete, which I haven't had in, I'm sure, a year, and have been thinking about ever since our book club meeting last Sunday when Sharon mentioned that her son Josh works at a Goodberry's now and brings home "leftover mistakes"—that just happened to be flavors they all like—sometimes at the end of his shifts.

I'm in a little bit of a funk about my exercising and weight loss progress right now. I've been hovering right at a 20-pound weight loss for a few weeks now, which intellectually I know is fine, but I can see that it's starting to become a little bit of a derailment for me. I need to get to the library and pick up my copy of Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person, as I put another request in for it, and got a call yesterday that it's in.

A positive thing that happened when I got home—a definite motivator as it's a reminder about the health improvement I'm enjoying—is that I took my blood pressure, and it was 115/72. Love those systolics in the teens! (And so does my doctor.)

I've got a bunch of things to do tomorrow, and I need to edit some, too.
Tags: anecdotes, books, coffee shops, exercise, health, ibm

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