DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Tailgating, a no-teeth photo, doctor visits, Heliosing, exercising, chilling and dancing...

Bumper sticker spotted on an edgy-looking female driver's car:

If you're gonna ride my ass,
at least pull my hair.

I picked up Myra at CECE at 8:45, and we had a most delightful breakfast at Café Carolina & Bakery at Cameron Village. I love the people in my life. Myra is an absolute gem.

I stopped by the Kinkos on Hillsborough Street, where I had my passport picture taken. I know there was some kind of regulation at some point about not being able to smile in your passport picture anymore, but was thinking that at another point they had rescinded it.

To the photographer in the passport photos area, "Am I allowed to smile?"

"Yes, but no teeth," he replied.

"No teeth?" I repeated.

"Yes, you can smile, but you can't show any teeth."

I immediately thought about a sequence of pictures [to the left] I took in one of those amusement park kiosks, which over the years [and it's been a number of them], has been labeled the "Taking-a-Crap Sequence" due to the facial expression progression.

The final one, basically says, "Ahhhh, success." Notice the smile. No teeth.

Needless to say, I wasn't going to let that happen again. I took a serious passport picture—no smile at all.

In addition to the photos, I also purchased a birthday card for a friend, and a Mother's Day card, since the clerk was kind enough to remind me that it was this Sunday. What a salesperson. I do like their cards.

Since I had to ride out to RTP today for my doctor's appointment, I decided to take advantage of being out there by stopping by my eye doctor's office to have the frames of my eyeglasses adjusted.

After berating me about trying to adjust them myself, the technician said, "Okay, I'm done scolding you. Now, let's see what we can do to make you happier with your glasses, because they really look great on you." Yet another good salesperson.

I had about an hour to kill before my doctor's appointment, so I dropped by my IBM office.

My doctor's visit with my P.A., Amy Hird, whom I love, was delightful. She's always a pure joy, and with all of my health-related results and news being good news, it was an extra sweet visit.

I asked her if blood pressure medicine reduces your blood pressure (BP) absolutely or relatively. What I wanted to know was that if my BP improves as a result of my increased exercise and decreased weight, will I be able to tell?

It seemed to me that if it reduces your BP relatively, that is always trying to keep it at ~120/80, then you wouldn't be able to tell if it was improving. But if it reduces it absolutely, that is, reduces it by say 20/10, then it should go down below 120/80 if you don't really need it (or as much of it) anymore.

Fortunately, she knew right what I was asking and said, "When you start feeling faint, or get dizzy, when you stand up suddenly, then your pressure is getting too low, and you'll know it."  In other words, it's an absolute reduction, which is what I wanted to hear.

Of course, this line of questioning was all with the idea of potentially—eventually—getting off my BP medicine, if feasible.

After my doctor's appointment, I stopped by home, where I had a most delicious Mesquite-marinated Chicken & Cheddar wrap—with lettuce, tomato, onions, salsa, and just a dash of Teriyaki sauce in the mix as well.

I arrived at Helios at 2:00, where I found @jessmartin working away, and Kevin (av8rdude) arrived sometime between 2:30 and 3:00.

Kevin and I left for the gym at just before 4:00. It was an upper body day for me, which I followed with my crunches and then coerced Kevin into doing 20 minutes of cardio. He hates doing cardio.

At the tail end of my upper body work, while doing my arm curls to be exact, who should walk up but Jess Martin! Stalking us! He just joined our gym a couple of weeks ago.

Today's workout statistics:
Exercise Type
Minute Duration
Calories Burned or Area Worked



Upper Body

Cardio (Elliptical)




After a dinner of grilled Cajun fish fillets, while doing a load of whites, I sat out on my deck and chilled. My patio furniture is a bar (let me put a look of surprise on everyone's face)

and I uncovered a portion of it, and one chair, as it hasn't yet been used this season. I set up my laptop on it, because I prefer to use a mouse with my laptop when I can.  Sweet.

Dancing was okay tonight. Lightly attended—by both dancers and bar patrons. No lesson. Gary DJed because Van is sick. Evidently, he's so sick that he was hospitalized for a short time. I need to call him tomorrow.
Tags: bar talk, coffee shops, dancing, exercise

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