I received another Thanks! award today, this time from Michelle. How cool. I went from never having any before this year to now having received the maximum (of 3) that I can receive in one year. While "in the system," I took advantage of the 2 of the 5 I have yet available to give this year. I gave one to Susanne, and one to Jim -- my team members from the last release.
I had lunch with Courtney. As usual, we laughed until we both almost wet our pants. We laughed about the "mast" in my antenna, and the "crack" in my window -- my mast and my crack are having problems. We laughed about a few other things in the Subway restaurant, too. The people that work there must think we're wackos.
The GLBT Panel discussion went from 1:30 to 3 today and once again it was well-received. I went home from there, and got my home terminal connection working again. Unfortunately a back-level password and mail server address kept me from accessing my mail. I did access Sametime, though, and checked voic email. All quiet on the western front.
I dropped by James' to give him another $500 check. From there, I stopped to have dinner at K&W (K&S?) in Cameron Village. The black walnut ice cream cone I had at Baskin-Robbins afterward was quite disappointing.
From there, I went to the card shop and stocked up -- Adrienne's birthday, Vivian's birthday, Vivian & Jeff's anniversary, Meagan's birthday, and a couple of "blank inside" cards.
After that I went to Lowe's to look at blinds. I started off with the 2" wood blinds, looked at other types, and then the metal ones. I can't decide. Ended up taking home a "swatch" of metal blind samples. Gave Steve a call for a fashion consult. He recommend my first notion, the 2" wood blinds, but in white instead of trying to match the maroon in the leather in my couch and loveseat. I'll probably go with that.
I worked on the "TCW Advertising Process," and submitted calendar entries for our upcoming FSBO Seminar to The Front Page, The Independent, The Spectator, and the Local Events Listserv. I forwarded the strawman of the process to TCW.
Don canceled his pending visit for the weekend after the 18th. I think that's for the best all the way around. It's a good weekend to "free up," as Robert is off that weekend, and it's State Fair time.
I'm getting to bed early tonight, as I need to be in to work at the crack of dawn tomorrow. D-day is coming for this publication, and it's NOT in a good place.