DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Newsletter judging finished, a delicious din-din, getting a grasp on your soap, and dancing...

Today was the deadline to complete the judging of the entries I had for the STC Newsletter Competition. I've had them since the end of January, and the fact that I spent several hours completing them on the day of the deadline says all I need to say about the task.

Done with it.

I added the pineapple and ham I bought a couple of days ago—specifically for this purpose—to one of these:

which is what we had for dinner.

Earlier today, I received an e-mail from Rick about a card I'd sent him yesterday that he received today.

Rick is recovering nicely (thank goodness) from a stroke he had several weeks ago now, and a couple of weeks ago when I asked him, "What's the biggest accomplishment you've had to date?", he'd answered, "I'm able to hold on to the soap in the shower now without dropping it."

I just couldn't resist this card when I saw it the other day for obvious (soap) reasons, but it's extra appropriate as Rick and I went on a ski trip together last year:

On the inside, I crossed out the Birth part of Happy Birthday and wrote Fri over it, and I wrote: Here's to the little things, like being able to grasp your own bar of soap. XXOO John

Dancing was a decent time tonight, but the fun was cut off right at 10:30 so that the spectacular Trance Dance could start. We left after about a half hour of the no-personality DJ playing music that no one was dancing to.
Tags: accomplishments, bar talk, dancing, friends, stc

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