DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

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Coma-induced sleep, a crotchety old man, homework, and alternative music night...

My new Marpac Dualspeed Sound Machine 980a is really doing the trick. Deep sleeps; coma-like sleeps.

I don't think I mentioned (though I guess I could go back and check) that I used my favorite comparison website, mysimon.com, to see where online I could get this item for the best price. Love that site.

Before going to bed last night, someone was parked in my second parking spot again—and once again, it was someone visiting the guys in the townhouse on the other side of the parking lot. These guys had a huge party last Saturday—until about three in the morning, and there was someone in my spot that night, too.

I watched the people (4 kids—3 girls and a guy) leave that house, and come to the car in my spot (a BMW, no less). I opened my front door and said, "When you come to visit here the next time, would you please take a parking spot marked guest?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir," the boy responded.

After they pulled out, I went across the parking lot to what I suppose is going to become the new Party Central in our little area of the townhouses. It's been a year or so, since the old Party Central kids (about four houses down to the left on that side of the parking lot as well) moved out.

I rang the doorbell, knocked, and rang the doorbell again before, evidently, it was heard over the music. A kid peeked through the blinds and then opened the door.

"You live here?" I asked.

I stuck my hand out and said, "I'm John. I live right across there."

As he shook my hand, I looked past him and saw four tables pulled together to make a huge table, in the middle of the living room, and there must have been about 25 of those red, plastic Solo cups, presumably filled to various levels with partially imbibed adult beverages. Party Central indeed.

"It's nice to meet you," he said.

I said, "When you have people over, would you please ask them to take a parking spot marked guest, or to park out on Kaplan?"

"Was someone in your spot?"

"Yes, just now. Those people who just left. And Saturday night, when you had that huge party? In my spot again. And in my neighbor's spots."

"Where do you live again?" he asked.

"Right there, directly across, where the light is on," I replied.

"I'm sorry, man. I'll make sure when people come to visit that they know to look for a guest spot."

I said, "That's great. I really don't want this to become an issue. I know you guys are young, and college kids, and you're going to party. I'm just asking that you be respectful of the people who are a little bit older and own their homes here. We really don't want it to get to the place where cars are being towed and all that mess."

"No sir, we don't," he said.

There, now I sound like a 50-year old.

I did homework from Helios this afternoon. The weather was fabulous. The doors were propped open, and at one point a bird flew in, but did a little circle and flew right back out. Thank &deity. I thought for a minute that we might end up with another suicide in the place.

While doing Verbal Data Analysis homework, I listened to Selections from the Chopin Collection, the first piece of which is Polonaise in A, Op. 40/1, Military, which I can never listen to without thinking of my best friend in high school, who played it beautifully even at such a young age.

I completed the coding of Jason's and my project data, and started on the statistical analysis part of it, which I was really getting into when it was time to head for Flex to meet Joe.

We played a couple of games of pool before the "heavy hitters" arrived, to whom we gave up the table.

It was 120 minutes night tonight. Not my favorite. I left a little before midnight.
Tags: bar talk, coffee shops, homework

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