I have a friend who on occasion has asked me, "Do these pants make my ass look fat?"
Whenever anyone asks me that question, I always want to answer, "Actually, it's not the pants that make..." I absolutely love, love, love this bumper sticker I saw recently, which sums up exactly how I feel about the question.
my ass look fat? |
I worked from home this morning, spending most of that time foraging through e-mail and devising a note to my department requesting a schedule of their editing requests for the rest of the year.
I met with (Dr.) Jason (Swarts) for an hour, where he introduced me to the research work of his that I'm going to be working on as a part of the ENG 583 Analysis of Verbal Data class that he's teaching. The work is very interesting, and I'm very much looking forward to being a "graduate research assistant" on the project.
Basically, he's researching: when people decide to re-use data, how do they decide what to re-use, and then what, if anything, do they do to it once they get it from the source location to the target location. I was actually a research participant in this study last year for him, since I re-use a lot of stuff devising my blog entries.
Using the syllabus and assignments information, we also spent a little time setting expectations as to what I will and will not do that'll make this a 2-hour class for me instead of a 3.
At the tail end of our meeting, we went upstairs to the English Department administration area to:
- Change my registration record to reflect that I'm really taking this course as an independent study course for 2 hours, instead of the regular 3-hour course that everyone else in the class will be taking it as. (I only need 2 hours worth of it to meet my degree requirements, and it will be cheaper for me taking a total of 5 hours instead of 6.)
- Verify that this independent study indication will also make the class a pass/fail class as opposed to a graded class.
I currently have a 4.0416 (Who's counting to four decimal places? I am... and in reality, it's a continually repeating 6 at the end, so I'm actually counting to the gazillionth decimal place.) GPA, and I would love nothing more than to graduate with a GPA higher than 4.0. That means I just have to get an A in the other class I'm taking. I'll have to figure out if an A- would work as well.
This made me think of the "cum laude" designations, the distinctions of which I've never been quite sure. According to Wikipedia (so it must be true!):
I went into the office at IBM to work this afternoon, and once there, on my way to the printer, I saw signs on at least two doors that said, "Working remote."
With all due respect, I would kindly suggest: "Working remotely."
I read a good part of the last 200 or so pages of Owen Meany last night. I'm almost to the manifestation of the dream.
I went to karaoke at Flex last night, and I'm just going to leave it at: "I shouldn't have gone." I expended too much negative mental energy while there, and a repeat performance here would be tiresome—both to you and to me.