DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

Chicago and Scrabble...

I left work in time to pick up my new bike at Flythe's by 6:00. I drove home via the post office off Clark Street to clock the mileage from there to home, in anticipation of riding my bike to and from there tomorrow to check the TCW mail. It's 3.25 miles one way.

Robert was here when I got home. We had a killer chef salad for dinner, stuffed our pockets with peanuts (and raisins, mixed), and chewy candy for the movies, and left early enough to stop at K-Mart on the way before the movie started.

At the mart, I bought two locks, one for my grill (which I'm picking up at Sears tomorrow morning with Joe) out on the deck, and the other one for my bike. We finished there by 6:30, and so arrived quite early (6:40) for the 7:00 movie.

We went ahead and got our tickets, and then sat and had a cup of coffee at Cup-a-Joe's. As usual, the coffee was too strong for me. I watered it down with just a sip of milk, and sprinkled a little vanilla flavoring in it. It didn't help very much. I drank half of it.

I loved the movie Chicago. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellweger, Richard Gere, and Queen Latifah all were good. It made me wish I had chosen it as one of the plays we're going to see next month on Broadway.

After the movie, Robert and I played a game of scrabble, and then did two crossword puzzles in bed. After MMMMMMMing, and before final lights out, I had to step next door and ask "TJ" to turn the music down. He did no problem.

About a half-hour later, the music started blasting again. I went next door again, and asked them to turn it down. Evidently TJ had gone out and a whole new crowd was in there. Bless their partying mess.

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