DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

Snowshoe Ski Vacation—Day 3

I was up before my alarm, which was again set for 8:00.

I had my usual cheese toast and a hard-boiled egg for breakfast.

We lollygagged a little bit this morning, as it was snowing pretty heavily, and it looked cold.

I checked my e-mail to find this nice little ditty:

Congratulations! You have been approved by the Society for Technical Communication Board of Directors to be a member of Sigma Tau Chi. You have demonstrated academic excellence and possess the potential to distinguish yourself as a member of the technical communication profession. You will be a member of the honor fraternity as long as you are a member of good standing in STC.

You will be honored at the 54th STC Annual Conference in Minneapolis. The reception for students will be Sunday afternoon, May 13. You will receive an STC pin, t-shirt, and a certificate. I hope you can attend.

One year free STC membership is also part of your award. I have notified the business office that your 2007 dues are taken care of. If you have already sent in your renewal for 2007 membership, your award will be applied to 2008.

Again, on behalf of STC, I congratulate you on your accomplishments. I will contact you in mid-April to see if you plan to attend the conference or if I should mail you the STX materials.

Betsy Smith

Manager, Sigma Tau Chi

After finally getting through the cumbersome dress-up process, we opened our door to a one-foot snow drift up against it.

The snow was deep, and still coming down. We found a like amount of deep powder on the slopes, making skiing quite arduous this morning. Remind us again why we like this sport!?!

As the short time we were out there progressed, the snow worked more toward little ice pellets, and then we got the word:
  1. the high speed quads had closed down due to icing conditions
  2. an ice storm was due to move through at 11:00
This of course meant everyone who was skiing was funneling down to the two slowest lifts on the mountain—those two with powder in their names. Okay, I'll let that go.

We made just a couple more runs, and then decided to get our asses off the slopes before 1) we hurt ourselves, and 2) there was a power outage due to the ice storm. We were not about to have our asses dangling from a wire for an hour while they tried to get the back-up generator running.

Back at our place, I shoveled off the entrance area that we shared with the condo next door, and made another trek to the woodshed. This time my delight in the woodshed was noticing a little kindling bin off to the side! Who knew?!?

Rick generously attended to the fire all afternoon, and whipped up a dinner making creative use of leftovers, while I took an hour nap.

We ventured down to the bar at the Top of the World again, after a lot of drama getting the car out of our spot. After some shoveling, some pushing, some gravel spreading, and then Rick's ultimate solution—letting some air out of the back tires, we got out.

It was pretty dead at the bar, our favorite bartender wasn't there, and two other people—a married couple playing pool—were in the bar. After an aborted game of pool, we headed out.

We stopped at The Connection in the Shaver Center on the way back. There were a few more people in there, we had a drink, and we watched these three guys play pool. The hottest one sported a wedding band.

We watched some of the Oscars once home, calling it quits at about 10:30. I love Ellen.
Tags: skiing, travel

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