DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

Life is good...

I caught the bus to campus, and met with Myra from about 9:30 until 11:00. It was a good meeting in which we outlined my priorities for the several tasks I'm charged with for the office.

We also talked about long-range possibilities for what the new "Center" might bring in terms of opportunities and employment.

Myra's good people. I left there feeling both organized and affirmed. Life is good.

I met with my financial advisor, Nathan Grooms, from 2:00 until 3:00, and as is usually the case with him, I enjoyed the time there and left feeling good about my financial goals, accomplishments, and future. Life is good.

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up ingredients for a meatloaf recipe from a recipe book I've been dying to try since I got it for Christmas: Dozens of Dishes: Replacements, Ltd. Employees Share Their Favorite Recipes.

Company's Coming Meatloaf

3/4 cup Pepperidge Farms stuffing mix
1 cup milk
2 pounds ground beef
2 eggs
1/4 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1-2 tablespoons Worcestershire or A1 sauce
1/4 teaspoon salt

Mix all ingredients except ketchup. Form into a loaf. Cover bottom of baking dish with ketchup (about 1/2" deep). Place meatloaf on top of ketchup. Place in preheated 350-degree oven and bake approximately 1 hour.

The ketchup juices from the meatloaf make a tasty tomato sauce to spoon over the meatloaf.

I made a half recipe, and it was pretty darned good, if I may say so myself—and Robert said I could. I mashed some potatoes to go with it. Robert and I both loved it all. Life is good.

We had a good number of dancers tonight. The crowd—well there was none.

We reviewed that dance we learned last week, but broke down on, when trying it with the music. This time we did it to the "Booty Call" song, which is quite slow, and that worked out well for almost everyone.

I've got to get the name of that dance from Carl—I think it was Cool Whip—so I can add it to my list.

I brought my laptop in, and Rick and I used Flex's wireless network to plan, and reserve, our ski vacation. I love when technology is facilitating.

We're going to Snowshoe and skiing Friday through Monday, February 23rd through 26th. We have a condo at Powderidge.

I'm looking forward to it, as I had bought new skis for my last ski trip, but didn't get to use them, since I forgot my boot bag at home.

I didn't think I was going to get a ski vacation in this year, so I was delighted when Rick suggested we go. Have I mentioned that life is good?
Tags: dancing, finances, service-learning

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