DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

A hoedowns morning, newsletter writing all day, and a zoo at Flex...

I had coffee in my Hoedowns mug this morning. Thank you, my sweet.

I worked almost the entire day on the STC newsletter, after finding out the competition deadline is this Wednesday, instead of next Monday, like we thought it was. Grrrrrrr!

I met Joe at Flex at 9:30, where after waiting a bit for a table, we played one game of pool before walking over to Snoopy's for some alcohol absorption substance. Neither of us had had dinner before coming out. I had one of their BLTs, which I'd never had before, and it was out of this world.

Upon returning, we played many more games of pool. Pool's free on Sunday nights.

Kevin (av8rdude) and Kurt arrived after 11:00, and we played about three more games after their arrival. Eventually, they went over to Legends, but Joe and I decided to stay around.

OMG, things deteriorated very quickly at about midnight. I don't know if Alexis Perry did a rock, or a vial, a snort, or a hit or whatever the word-of-the-day is, but she just lost it.

There were these two straight girls there, with a presumably gay male friend, and they were sitting right next to us. One of the girls was named Christine, and she was fun, and could sing.

She sang a song, and then her friend went up, did her song, and when she was done, Alexis said, "Let's give it up for... [hesitation]... Christine, folks!"

Well needless to say, I lost it on that one. I mean, you can at least remember the people's names that are singing if you're going to thank them by name. I made some comment, which Alexis heard, and she made some comment back as she was flailing around trying to find the next CD.

During the next song, she started flinging her head around so hard to the music, that at one point, her wig went flying off her head onto the floor. She looked like Brother Boy trying to put it back on, and I half-expected it to be on backwards when it was all said and done.

When Christine was up next, she got about one-fourth into Take Me or Leave Me from Rent, when Alexis flung her arms up into the air, hitting the power cord to the karaoke machine, stopping it on a dime. She squealed.

Joe and I were rolling through this circus, but we left shortly after that, as we were quite sure that this maniacal intensity would soon come crashing to the floor—literally or metaphorically.

At that late hour, I stopped into the Harris Teeter at Cameron Village, where I made my long overdue purchase of coffee and filters. Yay!
Tags: bar talk, stc

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