Personally, I like this Brokeback Mountain in 30 Seconds as Re-enacted by Bunnies the best.
It reminds me of the play The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged), which is just hysterical.
I finished my final draft of a grant request from the Colin Higgins Foundation for Triangle Community Works, and e-mailed it to the professor of my PA 640 Grantwriting course. Done. One more credit closer to my Master's in Technical Communication.
On the advice of a professor I trust and respect, I accepted my invitation to join Phi Kappa Phi.
I did a preliminary run through my 2005 taxes. So far so good. Need one item from Nathan to finish them up.
Met Joe and Kevin (av8rdude
We stopped at Dawn's afterwards. I had the Beef & Broccoli for the first time. It was pretty good.