DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

Traffic, grantwriting, and a life goal...

The traffic into work was unbelievable this morning. Nothing pisses me off more than to leave late for work to avoid the traffic rush, and then to find it still going on at 9AM. It was excruciatingly slow.

I got off at the airport exit, but unfortunately, it was the first airport exit instead of the second one, from which I can take my "short cut."

Since it was the wrong exit, I ended up going all the way over to 70, then to Alexander, then to Page, then to Old Page, then to Chin Page, then to Miami Blvd. Ridiculous.

PA 640 Grantwriting was very interesting tonight. I've become quite excited about writing a grant request for TCW for a large amount of money that they might actually be awarded. Hey, a girl can dream.

I dropped by Early Designs and we finalized the details of the banner for the NCSU Chapter of the STC Bake Sale to be held next week on Wednesday and Thursday in the Caldwell Hall Lounge.

I got to bed at a little after 10:00 tonight. My throat is starting to hurt a little again. Surely, I don't have strep throat again. I know, "Don't call me, Shirley!"

Today, I reached a life financial goal. Yippee.

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