Did I mention the tedious editing I'm doing these days? Today I edited three books. My eyes are still crossed.
On page 1, in the "Features of the adapter" section, the sub-bullets under the final bullet start off sentence style, and slip into intercap on the third sub-bullet.
On page 2, the first sentence in the "Supported configurations" section, the numeral "4" is used. I know in the Chicago Manual of Style the rule is to write out the word for numbers under 10, and use the numerals for 10 and up. Don't know if that's the IBM Style, too.
The previous comment also applies to the numeral "2" used in the first sentence in the "Non-supported configurations" section on page 4.
On page 8, in the description cell of the "Certification File Location and Password" entry, Notes\Data\cert.id is technically a file and its location, though the description refers to it as its location. What would be technically accurate would be to say, "In most cases, the cert.id file is located in a directory called Notes\Data\." I realize this is a nit. Also in this entry, in the option name, do we want the words "file," "location," and "password" to be capitalized?
On page 8, the "Lotus Domino Server's Address Book" entry, though the apostrophe is technically accurate it is inconsistent with "Administrator Server name" and "Lotus Domino Server password" -- we don't use the "apostrophe s" in those cases. Also, do we want the words "address" and "book" to be capitalized?
On page 8, the first four entries on the page, do we want the word "name" to be capitalized? I guess this is now a global comment. Do we want the Option entries to be sentence style?
On page 8, in the description of the "Synchronize HTTP password" entry:
1) the word "with" is usually used with the word "synchronized," where as in this case the word "as" is used. I would recommend, "Specify whether to syncrhonize the user password with the Internet/HTTP password for the user."
2) The use of the word "whether" in this description, and the several next ones, leaves me wanting "or not" either right after the word "whether" or at the end of the sentence.
3) The way these are worded with "Specify whether" also makes me, as the user, wonder what you want me to put in the value column for this right now in the worksheet. Just a yes or no? And it makes me assume that when I get to actually doing what I'm preparing for, that you're going to tell me how I will "tell the program" my preference. (i.e., am I going to enter Yes or No, or am I going to configure a parameter if yes, and not configure one if no, etc.)
4) After getting further in the document I see what the user is going to have to do. I think it would be better to say here, in the description field, "Whether or not you want to synchronize the user password with the Internet/HTTP password for the user." We might even consider putting yes or no in parentheses (i.e., (Yes or No)) at the end of the description.
On page 10, under "Installing the adapter," the fourth bullet, I would use "to" instead of "and" in the sentence: "Use a low-level communications ping to ensure that the client can communicate with the server appropriately."
On page 10, step 6, the name of the field, "Agent Name" is not bolded as field names are in the other steps.
On page 11, step 8, in the description of the "Domino Version Number" field, I would use "of" instead of "for" in the sentence, "The version number of your Lotus Domino Sever..." In this same step, the very last instruction is, "Then, click Next." The word "Next" should be bolded.
On page 12, step 11, in the description of the "Deny Access Log Name" field, I would recommend rewording the first sentence to, "Type the name of the database file that will list the deleted or suspended user documents."
Consider rewording the note under the description of the "Use Short Name" field at the top of page 13, as people tend to stop reading when they think they know enough. The way it's currently worded, they may read only as far as, "Do not use the Short Name field on the Tivoli Identity Manager GUI account form," and not get that that's only in the case of yes. It would be better to word the note as: "When Yes is selected during this step, do not use the Short Name field on the Tivoli Identity Manager GUI account form."
On page 13, step 14, in the "Note IDs Address Book" field description, there is a subject-verb agreement violiation. It says, "...for a newly created users..."
On page 13, step 14, in the "Delete Mail Database File" field description, is the word "detected" correct? I just want to make sure it shouldn't be the word "deleted" instead.
On page 13, the bullets that are under the second paragraph of the "Installing the Shadow utility" section don't seem to "jive" with the lead into them. It seems to me that either the lead into the bullets should say something like, "...verify that the following steps have been completed:" or if the lead-in sentence is left as it is then the bullets should start off like, "A Lotus Notes e-mail account named ITIM has been created,..."
At the end of the second bullet in that same section, is "It is also used by the Shadow utility to store the user information it receives in the ITIM account." correct? Or should it be "...from the ITIM account"? If it is supposed to be "in" then I would think "into the ITIM account" would be a better choice of words.
On page 14, step 4, again the "Agent Name" field should be bolded.
On page 14, in the "Importing the adapter profile" section, again the lead-in to the bullets seems awkward to me. I think the first bullet should just say, "The Tivoli Identiy Manager Sever must be installed and running." That's the condition that you want met. Same idea with the 2nd bullet.
On page 15, in the "Creating a Lotus Notes service" section, in step 3, should this be "On the Provisioning window..." instead of "From the Provisioning window..."?
On page 15, in the "Creating a Lotus Notes service" section, in step 4, it seems to me that the words "service form" after the bolded words "Lotus Notes Adapter" should also be bolded, or none of it should be.
In that same section, should the definition list items start with "Specifies" instead of "Specify"?
In that same section, the sentence indicating that the Owner field is optional is inconsistent with all of the others. It says, "This is an optional field." To be consistent, it should say, "Owner is an optional field."
In this section, "Creating a Lotus Notes service," User Id is specified this with initial-cap for ID. In other places in the book, it is referred to as UserID (page 18) and User ID (page 21, in table 4). Should this be consistent throughout the book?
On page 17, in the "Configuring the Adapter to use Custom ERUID" section, Step number 1, should it be "Start the Lotus Notes Adapter."? Execute sounds funny in this context, and step number 4 uses the verb "restart," suggesting it was "started" (as opposed to executed).
On page 19, in step 4 of the "Starting the adapter configuration tool" section, that comma after between the word "completes" and "to" seems odd to me.
On page 25, in the configuration task description for Option B, in the note, should the word "must" really be the word "should"?
On page 25, in the configuration task description for Option F, should the last paragraph in the description be a Note?
On page 26, in the "Setting event notification triggers" section, in step 1, I like the use of "...until the following conditions are met:" as a lead-in into those bullets. :-)
On page 27, in the "Modifying an event notification context" section, we talk about basepoints. Have these been defined previously?
On page 28, the first step 2 of the page, it seems like the phrase "Type the menu option of the letter" is transposed. Shouldn't it be, "Type the letter of the menu option"? Later on, in the second step 2 on page 29, it is phrased this way, "Type the menu option leter". Seems like these should be consistent.
On page 32, in the menu example, the quotes for item 10. Log DB are out of line with the rest of the items by one space.
Step number 2 right under that menu example has yet another variation of "Type the menu letter" as noted two comments before this one. It's referenced this way again on page 35 in the first step 2 on the page.
On page 32, the first key in Table 10, do we really want the reconciled to be in all caps, which repeats in the description field of the next item in the table, "Attributes Reconciled." Also, do we want the items in the Key column to be sentence style?
On page 37, in the "Changing code page settings" section, step 2. We tell the user to type something, and then say the option is not applicable. Why have them Type A to begin with? In fact I wonder about the entire step; we seem to say access a menu, pick an option that is not applicable, and X out of the menu.
On page 37, the table caption, is it accurate? It seems like it should rather be something like, "Arguments and descriptions for the agentCfg help command".
On page 38, in the description (in the first entry) for the -hostname argument, it refers to -findall, -list, -tail, and -agent as commands, when they seem like arguments to me.
The format of the information on page 39 looks funny. Should there at least be spaces between the, what I see as three, items?
On page 55, under "Domino Server configuration," in that one sentence/paragarph, should the word "configuration" be "configuring"?
On page 56, Under "Group creation on the Lotus Domino Server," step 1 needs a period at the end of the sentence.
In that same section, in table 17, is the value, which is specified as "Multi-purpose," is that what they type or does that mean something to them? (i.e., I wouldn't know what it means, personally.)
In general, in chapter 6, we say "click" such and such. In the rest of the book, we say "press". Click is also used once in Chpater 7 (the second step 2 on the page). Click is used in Chapters 10 and 11, too.
On page 57, in steps 6 and 7, there is a space betwen the word OK and the period.
On page 59, in the introduction to the ordered list in the first section, the phrase "in the listed order" would more simply read "in order".
In this same section, step number 3, is "install" the correct word? "Install the new attributes" doesn't ring right with me. I would expect "Update the new attributes" or something like that.
On page 64, the first paragaph, that last "that" (after the comma) should be the word "which."
In the options that are described at the bottom of page 64 and top of page 65, one says, "This is a mandatory parameter," and the other one says, "This is not an optional parameter." Should they be consistently noted?
On page 67, in the first bullet, the word "it's" should be "its."
On page 69, the warning about not uninstalling the old version of the adapter before installing a new version (in step 2) should probably come earlier. People, being who they are, might very well say, "Let me read the rest of this while the new version of the adapter is installing" (at which point they might very well have already uninstalled what they weren't supposed to).
On page 73, the first sentence on the page, the word "which" either needs a comma before it, or it should be changed to "that."
On page 81, the caption for table 22 is inconsistent with the others. It should probably be, "Change request attributes."
I left work with the intention of going to Just Tires to get new tires, or at least replace the tire I damaged last Friday. On the way home, I hit the most torrential rain from one of the most severe storms I've been in in ages. At a couple of points, I screamed out in the car, "You're startin' to scare me, Dr. Eve!"
I ended up not going, but went home and took a nap from 7:30 - 9:30 instead.
I showered and went to Steve's in Garner to get my Harry & David Pepper & Onion Relish, which he bought for me in Smithfield on Friday.
I met Joe at Flex just after 10:30. For a change, there were more than the usual suspects there, which made it a little more interesting.
innoman & av8rdude
Kurt walked out with me, and on the sidewalk, talked and talked and talked about his cars and about his "homestead" and its history. I was tired.