DailyAfirmation (dailyafirmation) wrote,

Catching up... in more ways than one...

I was stressed out to not be able to weigh myself while in Tahoe. I even asked the front desk person if there was a scale in the house. I did not bring Nutri-food with me. I am having a little bit of a hard time "getting back into it." I have delayed my "next order" for another week, because I still have food left, which means I've been eating "off program." I want to "get back on it," but fear it might not seriously happen until Monday. Oh well... in the meantime... would you look at that projected line catching up with the actual line! The little square and the little diamond are actually touching each other already. Dirty data points! Looks like a bad train wreck ahead if I don't get off my caboose.

I met with the new project manager of the WIM/TUM project, and a colleague of hers in Toronto (via conference call for audio and an e-Meeting for video) about QMX. Greg joined the meeting, too. It was a productive meeting, with a follow-up meeting to be scheduled next week by Afshan in Toronto.

I worked on my portion of our group Usability Test Report from 5:00 - 10:00 straight. I emailed all of my stuff to "Team Blue" at 10:00.

At about 9:30, Steve AIMed me about going out. We agreed to meet at Flex at 11:00. I got there at 11, and it was dead in there. I waited until I saw him in the hallway, went out, and said, "Save yourself $2.00. Let's got to CCs."

At CCs we drank a "bullet" each of Goldschlagger in the bathroom, actually half at a time. The second one, we poured over ice, as I hadn't stored them in the freezer.

We got drunk fast. After a while, David came and sat next to me on the pool table, which kind of surprised me. I introduced him to Steve, and they hit it off. I left shortly after that, was way too drunk to drive, but did anyway. "But I was concentratin' real hard, occifer." I know. I know.

At home, it was one of those situations that if I sat up another minute, I was going to throw up. Binge drinker. Well, I am a college kid. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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