I met with the new project manager of the WIM/TUM project, and a colleague of hers in Toronto (via conference call for audio and an e-Meeting for video) about QMX. Greg joined the meeting, too. It was a productive meeting, with a follow-up meeting to be scheduled next week by Afshan in Toronto.
I worked on my portion of our group Usability Test Report from 5:00 - 10:00 straight. I emailed all of my stuff to "Team Blue" at 10:00.
At about 9:30, Steve AIMed me about going out. We agreed to meet at Flex at 11:00. I got there at 11, and it was dead in there. I waited until I saw him in the hallway, went out, and said, "Save yourself $2.00. Let's got to CCs."
At CCs we drank a "bullet" each of Goldschlagger in the bathroom, actually half at a time. The second one, we poured over ice, as I hadn't stored them in the freezer.
We got drunk fast. After a while, David came and sat next to me on the pool table, which kind of surprised me. I introduced him to Steve, and they hit it off. I left shortly after that, was way too drunk to drive, but did anyway. "But I was concentratin' real hard, occifer." I know. I know.
At home, it was one of those situations that if I sat up another minute, I was going to throw up. Binge drinker. Well, I am a college kid. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.