Book club was okay. Janet didn't show up after giving me the impression she would earlier in the morning. We mostly heard about Mary's family conflama (conflict + drama = conflama) in New Yawk. I had a good chat with Sharon after Mary and Suzanne left. We talked about what she's getting out of management, and what she's putting in. She's good people.
I left work late, at about 6, and then had to rush to make my advising appointment with Dr. Dicks at 6:40. I wasn't prepared, as I hadn't seen any courses I need or know if I can take by looking myself. He gave me some ideas, and my pin number for the summer and fall. I spent about 15 minutes trying to look at some courses in the lab, but had no luck. Need to spend more time when I have it.
Class was okay tonight, but I left feeling totally overwhelmed with all that has to go into this Information Plan by Tuesday. It alone is a ton of work, and when you put it beside our Test Report that is due in 508 on Monday, well it feels insurmountable. I'm not going to dwell on it, though; will just take all of it a day at a time, which is all I can do really.
This really brings me back to my conversation with Dr. Dicks, though, about scheduling for the Fall. I can't keep doing this two classes a semester thing. It's too demanding after working all day, and quite frankly, it's affecting my work a little. I need to find a course I can take during the summer, so I only have to take one class in the Fall. Or just move out my projected graduation date, and take only once course per semester even if I don't go during the summer. I'm not going to kill myself getting this degree. It's supposed to be fun.
I stopped by home after class, ate the Spicy Chicken entree, which was just okay, and then went to Joe's to look at his computer problems. After trying a gazillion things, I left him at one AM no better off than he was when I arrived. Actually in worse shape, as he was unable to access AOL when I left. That sucks. I hate Windows ME.
When I got home, Joe was on AIM, so that means he figured out his problem. Yippee. Though that's just the problem of getting connected that he had when I left. Still, what I originally went over there to work on, doesn't work.