I ran to Canopy and gave Robert his card and gift.
I stopped at the Chapel Hill Post Office on Estes Drive. That has got to be the worst entrance, parking, and exit of any business ever. Horrible. Just horrible.
There was a lady behind me in line with three kids who were going wild. The were walking around sucking cherry lollipops, and swinging back and forth on the rail, "walking" on their knees, and searching under the tables and counters for a ball they lost under there the last time they were there. On the way out the woman said, "You guys were so good in there." Good thing my eyeballs are connected to something, or I'm sure they would have done a 360-degree roll.
I was going to meet
I got up, made a quick dinner, and did some things on my "to-do" list, such as wrap Courtney's gift, send an announcement about Brad's Gay Male Couples survey to the NC Pride listserv, and package the film in my camera for developing.