Well tonight it poured, and while I slept on the couch in the other room, Bob calmly attended to all this:
Remodeling and addition (day 5)
Well tonight it poured, and while I slept on the couch in the other room, Bob calmly attended to all this:
The #WhatIfSong meme as genre... OR deconstructing the #WhatIfSong meme...
~Sunday~ I have become completely obsessed with this meme that's going around the web, where you ask a "What if?" question about a…
10 books that have stayed with me, but more importantly, why they've stayed with me...
~Sunday~ Recently—twice in fact—I've been tagged on Facebook to participate in a meme that asks you to list 10 books that have…
If you're happy and you know it... make a list?
~Tuesday~ Recently, my friend Casey posted a blog entry entitled, " If you're happy and you know it... make a list?." Take a moment to read it,…
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