We finished up breakfast, and then went for an hour walk on the beach. It was so beautiful out, and we followed the footprints of someone with a "bewitching" big toe. It look like it had a nail that came to a huge point on it.
Back at the room, we packed, showered, and MMMMMMMMMMMMMMed. We checked out with about three minutes to spare, and hit the road.
We decided not to stop on the way, but to have lunch once back in Raleigh. We stopped by the house, put our stuff in the house, used the restroom, and then headed over to the CharGrill on Edwards Mill. Yum.
Back at the house, Robert we said our goodbyes and Robert headed back to Durham. I was going to ride my bike, but checked on the logistics of the iMax show, and saw that it was only 45 minutes long, and that meant meeting the EAGLE folks much earlier than I thought, so I bagged the ride.
I left the house at about 5:00, and headed down to City Market. I sat in the El Dorado or El Rodeo, whichever one it was, for about 45 minutes. I then called Jon B., and left a message on his cell phone. As I got up to leave, I saw all the EAGLE folks sitting at another table! Good grief. They had been there about 15 minutes.
I joined them, and it was a nice dinner. I was sitting on Jon B's "bad ear" side, so it was a little strained talking, but no big deal. He caught me up on his frustrations with Julie on the EAGLE database. The whole time I was thinking, "I'm glad I quit following it last week."
Jon had brought, as his guest, the "infamous Dwight" that Julie has been trying to introduce me to forever. He had the thickest, blackest pit hair I've seen in a long time. He seemed nice; very thin.
I came home, caught up my journal, and hit the sack to read some of Seabiscuit. I want to get an early start tomorrow morning.