Below is our agenda, with my answers following each item:
1. If you've published something that allowed a dedication, did you include one? And if so, how did you decide on its sentiment, and would you be willing to share it? Short of that has anyone been included in someone else's dedication of their published work? Inspired by: 7 book dedications that basically say 'screw you' (I particularly liked e.e. cumming's dedication for No, thanks.) (John)
My sister's dissertation for her Doctor of Education Educational Leadership (2001): The need for a diversity component, specific to gay and lesbian students, in undergraduate teacher preparation programs according to selected Eastern North Carolina educators. For my parents, Pauline and Manny, whose value of education made me believe becoming a Doctor of Education was possible. For my brother, John, whose courage to live his life his way inspired my courage to do this study. For my husband, Jeff, whose constant love, respect and support was my lifeboat throughout the process.”
2. How much was the biggest bar/restaurant tab you've ever picked up, and what was the occasion? (John)
Emeril's Orlando in Universal's CityWalk® for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary dinner, which included a $364 tip (their $214 to which I added $150). A blow-by-blow of the experience is documented in my September 19, 2003 blog entry.
3. Generation Video Generation Whatchamacallit (Sarah)
Actually, AIDS was one of the things that was most influenced the Millennials (Generation Y). The way I broke major influences down in the video was by thinking about the sort of "facts of life" that each generation grew up with. Baby Boomers grew up with the Space Race, Civil Rights, and Vietnam War the same way Millennials grew up with school shootings, terrorism, and awareness of AIDs in a way previous generations did not. Does that clear it up? This blog (I realize not exactly a primary source document) gives some of the important dates regarding AIDS in the US, and the dates it portrays are all within Generation Y's upbringing.
4. What kind of burlesque show would you want to attend (inspired by Kim's link to this article: Nerdy Dancing, Where Pasty Meets Pastie) (Sarah)
Brokeback Mountain Burlesque
5. What do you tell other people about Salon? (Sarah)
This is my usual spiel: (Sometimes I have to start off with the definition/history of the word Salon.) It's a group of people I met during grad school and we all have some interest in technical communication. We meet monthly (for the most part), and we talk about things everyone has had a chance to add to an agenda that we keep in a Ning. (Definition of Ning often follows.) Sometimes, if I know the person won't get defensive or make fun of me, I characterize the group as "intellectual."
6. What are your favorite distractions from doing work (such as grading that I should be doing now?) (Sarah)
Facebook comments, Scrabble moves, either catching up my blog or composing a quick new entry for it.